I was looking at the Australian military recruitment site. Don’t panic I’m not about to sign up. I have lots of reasons for not doing that.
This is more an exploration of ideas not exactly set in stone. I’ve been exposed to scary guntotin US military and have had quite a few of my opinions shifted. I will give some personal info here. My father was in the Australian military. I’ve seen a few things and heard a few more from him and others. Believe me it colours things a bit.
I despise war. I am a liberal after all. I despise the idea of people running around trying to kill and hurt each other to push ideas. I used to think war was not acceptable under any circumstances. I’ve known war is based on the clash of ideas and someone invariably tries to shove it down throats. Hitler, civil wars, the cold war, Iraq, even Iran-Iraq it’s all the same to me. But I’ve come to realise I live in the real world where flowers wilt and butterflies get squashed on the windshield. Now I think all that pain and death for an idea might actually be worth it. How to pick good ideas from bad though. Risky stuff that and just because your idea is ‘better’ doesn’t mean you’ll win.
Here’s some issues I have with the military
1) The entire website is rich with ambiguity. You have to dig to find anything and quite a bit of info is simply not there. I don’t like the basis of not keeping prospectives informed.
For example, to a question on what the accommodation is like onsite the answer given is of ‘high standard’. What does this tell the prospective? Nothing. The obvious reason is the get the prospective to contact the military which is where sales become much easier.
I seriously question ‘high standard’ If it means walls and running water sure. Some how I don’t think it’s going to be the Taj Mahal (or should I say Saddam Palace which would almost make me wrong).
2) In this day and age of freedom and flexibility there is a still a huge minimum forced 4 year joining. 6 years if you do a trade. A whopping 14 years for the air force. I only know of one other place you are locked in for a fixed number of years and they can get early release!
Add on top of this the fact that the prospective knows absolutely nothing about the job other than taking the promoters word for it. In a normal job when you discover it’s crap or doesn’t suit you out you go. In the military unless you happen to like it you’re in for many years of misery.
This requirement screams that the military isn’t worth it at least for those first 4 years. Because if it was there would be no need to restrain people. People would be staying because it is worthwhile. It’s very socialist which is odd for this country.
3) While claiming to be recruiting the best (of the best) the actual requirements for entry show a high standard of physical requirements combined with a low standard for intellectual requirements. Here’s a section for educational requirements of a basic job
“Completion of Australian Year 9 education (or equivalent) with passes in English and Mathematics. A 'pass' (or Sound Achievement) is defined as a result that places a candidate in the top 70 percentile band of students that complete the subject.
So you basically need to have been better than the worst 30% at 14 year old level English and Maths.
I will not call the military people stupid. Some are but my father isn’t, nor are many others I have met. But surely they can get better education than this?
3) Unless you are in a special higher paid category like medical, engineer etc your pay is much like this;
For the first year while being educated $28,805 ( $US 21,647) pa. After this it’s $35,110 ($US 26,385) pa. There are further small increases with time and rank it appears. It looks like the pay at high rank is fairly generous but I don’t think most will get this position, particularly in the first 4 years.
An estimate of tax taken out of the second higher figure is $6,393 leaving $28,717 ($US 21,580)pa or about $550 a week ($US 413 a week).
I dunno I think the pay rate is crap. I don’t view $550 a week as enough for me to be shot at. But then how much is? I note the young and presumably lowest paid are the most likely to suffer a casualty. I’ll admit the pay rate isn’t that bad for the low entry requirements should this be a normal job but then 4 years later you may still be earning this and there’s nothing you can do about it.
4) After care is totally ignored. I’m sure some degree of after care exists but I’ll have to chase it up later.
5) Holidays are the standard 20 day which most jobs have.
6) The military is trying to not look discriminatory. I even has a short statement of equal opportunity we often see regular corporations use. However there are weaknesses.
On gender discrimination it’s odd there is specially a law to exempt the military from gender discrimination law so that combat type positions are forbidden to women. I don’t have a problem with combat type operations being forbidden to women if there is good reason for it but none is provided and it’s good and proper for the military to go through discrimination laws rather than cowering behind an exemption.
If the military didn’t discriminate against women it wouldn’t need an exemption now would it?.
The general non discrimination statement also makes it clear that the military doesn’t discriminate on the basis of sexuality. Then in a “Regulation of Lifestyle” (can anyone say socialist?) statement it vaguely goes over what the military is not permitted to do which includes a prohibition on ‘certain’ legal sexual behaviour and, strangely enough, debt amongst other things. They do not provide any hard info. I presume such details are hidden in the fine print of the contract.
One wonders why the military is watching soldiers in the bedroom.
7) There is a strange comment about some tattoos being inappropriate which I find mysterious considering many in the military have them. Maybe the ‘Welcome to Jamaica Have a Nice Day’ is it?
8) Anywhere Anytime.
The military is not a 9 to 5 job at the office. It even uses this in advertising. You can be anywhere anytime. Iraq proves that. For some esp. singles travelling to mystery locations has an element of fun and holiday to it. For others it’s disruptive. It’s really disruptive to families.
Anytime is worse. There are no overtime or out of normal hours pay rates etc. You can be forced to work 24/7 or shiftwork and indeed it happens in Iraq. Your per hour rate can be very low indeed.
9) If you look at some of the keywords the military use like mateship, courage etc I see something that might be missing in our schooling. Maybe maths science etc aren’t enough. Maybe we need to prepare our kids as good citizens too. Now *I’m* being socialist.
10) While the military promotes itself as having a great internal environment I have my doubts.
There is the issue of hazing. I guess some people think hazing is good for building interpersonal bonds etc but really it’s unprofessional degrading practice about domination.
There are too many reported cases of power abuse leading to the removal/punishment of lower rank people. Apparently it’s one of the major reasons for retention issues.
A culture of secrecy. Anything remotely bad for promotion is through the camaraderie minimised or limited by peers as much as possible. Crime, abuse, drugs alcohol etc. Where is the principle of honesty? “Don’t ask don’t tell’?
11) The military is bad for families in my view. These soldiers often miss the birth of children. Often have little association with their wives and kids. Child abuse deathrate is much higher in military families.
Verbal and emotional abuse is also common. It’s widely reported and abuse groups and the military are trying to put strategies to deal with it. As an example. During an argument my father told me quietly that he had a gun stashed in the house and suggested he was quite willing to use it not only on ‘intruders’ but on us. Naturally it frightened me and I’ve now come to understand this situation is not unique. So as you can see my perception of the military was coloured heavily by my personal experience, particularly with my father.
Throw into this the many away trips, the isolation, the X long surprise service in Vietnam, Iraq or East Timor or wherever they march next. Throw in the convenient contract revision. Throw in the odd death, mental or physical damage as well.
It’s not all one sided either. I know a military guy who came back to his wife after WW2 who was happily bonking not one but two men. Why not invite the team over?
12) A lot of people think the military serve the people but actually it’s indirect. They serve their commander and so on and so forth to the government who theoretically serve the people. The military might be efficient at doing their job but if that job is defined by inefficient politicians I think there’s a problem. The PM has never served. The PM didn’t tell the people of Australia why he went in with the Iraq war. There’s no real accountability or people involvement at all. And should Labor get in they’ll turn around the troops to go home.
I can see a problem with wars lasting longer than a term of government.
There we have it some of my more major nebulous gripes about the military.